The National Trade Facilitation Body (NTFB) was established to ensure comprehensive and effective facilitation of Serbia’s foreign trade and coordinate efforts by government authorities, organizations, the business community, and other foreign trade stakeholders.
Reasons for Establishment
The NTFB was established primarily to provide an efficient mechanism for public-private coordination with the aim of streamlining and expediting customs and other procedures for imports, exports, and transit of goods and thus contributing to easier and less expensive movement of goods across borders. The NTFB also serves as a platform for exchanging best practices between government authorities and private sector in finding the most effective approaches for overcoming obstacles faced by the private sector in foreign trade.
Furthermore, Article 23.2 of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement requires WTO members to establish national committees on trade facilitation, meaning that the creation of the NTFB was a precondition for Serbia’s accession to the WTO.
Having in mind the foreign policy goal of the Republic of Serbia in terms of full membership in the EU and the WTO, the alignment of national legislation in the field of foreign trade policy with EU acquis and the WTO rules is one of the most important obligations of the Republic of Serbia.
- Coordinating the execution of Serbia’s commitments with regard to the WTO and other international trade agreements
- Developing proposals for trade facilitation and removing barriers, based on inputs from Expert Groups, line ministries, and the business community
- Directing cooperation between line ministries and other authorities and coordinating the exchange of information on the imports, exports, and transit of goods
- Keeping the general public informed of trade facilitation plans and providing information and contact details for government authorities responsible for import, export, and transit controls
- Coordinating other trade facilitation activities in accordance with best global practices and the needs of the business community